Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mitt Romney: Profiles in Cowardice

Romney Refuses To Take Position On Payroll Tax Holiday:

In two TV interviews today, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney refused to take a stance on the biggest issue in Washington today: the extension of the payroll tax holiday. A huge bipartisan majority in the Senate passed a two-month extension of the cut, but the House rejected that yesterday. A number of Republican senators have slammed House Republicans for blocking the extension, but on Fox News this morning, Romney wouldn’t say whether he sided with the House or Senate, dismissing the issue as an “internal battle.” “I’d like to see this payroll tax holiday extended,” Romney said, without saying for how long.

Oh what a leader. This man is a total empty vessel. Why he or any one for that matter thinks he can run this country is a joke to me.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wilco Weather

Wilco front man Jeff Tweedy does the local weather in his hometown Chicago:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Attenborough's wonderful world

In his farewell to BBC after an incredible career David Attenborough recites "Its a wonderful world":


It certainly is Sir David and we understand it all the better because of you wonderful documenting of it and its creatures.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Separated at birth: Jemaine and Young Newt

Separated at birth: Young Newt Gingrich and Jemain from Flight of the Conchords. I know which one id rather hang out with.

h/t VF Daily

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mapping San Francisco's Past

Pastmapper is a cool new project which still needs some time to get on its feet. They've taken information from the 1853 San Francisco Directory and mapped them to a modern day map of the city. You can browse through the people and businesses that inhabited those spaces. Id love to see them add pictures to the mix. I also imagine they will be adding additional years to allow the user to watch the city develop.

Here, Im looking at the business located in the building at the location I used to live in.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Lose $2400 in Just 24 Seconds

How to Lose $2400 in Just 24 Seconds:

how to lose $2400 in 24 seconds from Kurtis Hough on Vimeo.

Kurtis Hough of Portland, Oregon made this informative step-by-step video on how you can quickly lose $2,400 in just 24 seconds. It was shot using a Canon 5D Mark II.

The Saddest Book Ever Written

The Saddest Book Ever Written:

Gabe Habash nominates Microwave for One:

The book is by Sonia Allison, who has quite a few publications under her belt. But she’s6a00d83451c45669e20154379e835d970c best known for her masterpiece of tragedy, a book whose title and cover is so rife with sadness that one almost has the urge to brush the invisible tears from Ms. Allison’s face as she leans over her microwave and her food spread. Very little is known about the contents of the book, except for the few that have been lucky enough to chance upon a copy. Let’s turn to these Amazon customer reviews for some insight. ...

Buy this book, or don’t, I don’t care anymore” by Michael Pemulis:

It used to be that I got home from work and the only thing I’d want to put in my mouth was the cold barrel of my grandfather’s shotgun. Then I discovered Sonia Allison’s Chicken Tetrazzini, and now there are two things.

Beetlejuice on Community

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice...